Flying Spider
After years of Internet social interactive games and experiments I keep asking myself; when am I being the fly?, when the psyder spider? and… am I the net sometimes?
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After years of Internet social interactive games and experiments I keep asking myself; when am I being the fly?, when the psyder spider? and… am I the net sometimes?
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Con el titulo por default (casi) del wordpress reinauguro mi weblog… ¡mas sincero que nunca! jajaja
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¿Que tal estas?
Explora algo marabilloso, dale click
Do you know whats coming next?
Dato alucinante:
Las mariposas desde la versión 1.0 de Medios Múltiples (ahora no hay mas que un placeholder; linkéo en cuanto lancemos la versión 2.0) aparecieron/las pensé antes de que este milagrito de la naturaleza entrara a mi vida.
Ya el nivel de clavades (repetidera, enajenación o algo así en mexicano juvenile) con las metáforas de mariposas en los últimos meses, verbal y en los posts, como con
“Something beautiful its cooking inside its cocoon“
o como
“… but many many times
I’ve seen a beautiful cartepillar become an unbelievable butterfly“
si es producto de la interacción con la maravilla esta.
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s upcoming attractions.”
Albert Einstein (March 14, 1879 – April 18, 1955)
So, what do you Imagine?
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I don’t know, I want to learn the language… its not like I’m the malinche.
I suppose It has something to do with the fact that 5 years ago I started learning the webmaster thing reading about it (actually, I was just reading lots of stuff; I was a lot into spiritual stuff back then, and Inmortality, of course the Web, horticulture, solar power, and some other stuff) in English, daily, with the old babelfish open for translating almost all, and haven’t stopped ever since, now with almost no translation (the monthly new word!, or so).
Its taking over, I mean, I’m taking a shower and I’m thinking this post, In fucking English!
– Oh my!
– What should I do?
– I don’t know…
– … should I get the water hotter?
– Yea
– aahhh!
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I’ve finally found what this blog its going to be about… at least for a bit; a looong bit.
Experiments are everywhere to be done, being one of the most reliable sources of knowledge (inner and outer) there is. At the same time, experiments obviously affect reality around us (specially wile being lifestyle or social).
We humans learn a lot by contrast, so while doing experiments with my lifestyle I’ve been learning a bit about my self and society. Any kind of experiment will do.
This blog has become a new experiment, not the lifestyle kind and not that radical, but somewhat crazy.
You can’t actually talk about a social experiment with your participants without affecting the outcome, so lets just say this is a social experiment about a LOT of people… anyone who read this blog even just once, should get hooked on the experiment (If all gets perfectly executed).
No, just kidding
Really, I mean, its a fucking joke!… of course Ill tell you: Its a social experiment about getting to know people, the right people, and making some web friends, while exploring myself publicly. The pro blog thing you know, with a bit of a personal twist.
I’m pro blogging somewhere else, but I ain’t saying shit there, that I need to say… also, I ain’t reaching the same audience there.
So, a new blogger was born today… nooooooooooooooo! jajaja
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with the flowers and the sun
and the river that flows
From the many meanings of everything
I started writing this, “solo” without my self
meaning nothing
No, really
I mean its poetry right?
It should come clean, with no judgment
So lets get back together
and try to write this poem
in English
Sometimes I think I should be thinking a lot less
many more land based reality’s and less stress
y hasta rima… (nah who am I kidding? I don’t; or maybe just sometimes?)
Not that I’m that stressed really
was just a poetry thing, sort of a metaphor
you give the values you create your meanings
The crazy wild roller coaster of life
yesterday went white mad
and I throw up
I am in love with nature
constantly going to the park
to see the trees and the squirrels and all that
Its wonderful what you can find in the sky
also wonderful wen its full of stars
as looking within
Each their own and all that… but many many times
I’ve seen a beautiful cartepillar become an unbelievable butterfly
its not a moraleja, I’m just a “go natural” hippie kind of guy (and its my poem jaja)
Imagination its a skill, about many things and connecting the dots
Imagination its my thing, swimming in dreams that I love
I’m so into Imagination and connecting the dots that I’m constantly loosing track
of reality
Are you reading this?, who are you? I’m intrigued
answer me… somehow, please
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its cooking inside its cocoon.
Coming soon to a computer near you! jeje
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😎 I love this feeling, I love it!.
… Lo quería postear desde hace mas de dos semanas (que me libere por completo), pero no me hacia el espacio. Quería postearlo antes de que terminara mayo, y hace un ratito, justo antes de dirigirme hacia aca, me encuentro con una publicidad sobre el día internacional de no fumar, que resulta ser precisamente hoy 31 de mayo. JAja
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Si. Solo tienes que saber que puedes y hacerlo.
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Woorale, ya paso mas de un año del primer post de esta temporada de y yo ni enterado. Despues del post pasado me puse a quitar las categorias y ¡sacatelas! que veo la lista de meses aladito.
Esta abandonadon el… esque Ujani anda chambiando (y esque eran muchas categorias jeje).